A few days ago we received a fault-finding article, entitled, “Kansas Blows,” from the Sedalia, Missouri Bazoo. It was from the esteemed pen of its editor and publisher, J. West Goodwin. The article was characterized by disgust rather than malevolence, and is charged upon the people of Kansas undue egotism, self-conceit, self-complacency, and self-admiration. In short, the Bazoo said:

“If there is one thing more than another, that Kansas newspapers are noted for, it is blowing their own bugle.”  “They keep up,” says the Bazoo, “a continual toot, through their columns, in regard to the beauties of Kansas.” “A stranger to their domain, after reading their papers, would suppose that Kansas is the garden of the world, and a perfect paradise to live in; that the products of the soil come in such abundance and with so little labor, that it would be an excellent asylum for a lazy man.”

West, we are sorry for you. You will never catch a Kansas man in that business. Patriotism and States Rights are with us matters of principle.

The Leavenworth Weekly Times, Leavenworth KS. July 21, 1870. Page 2. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.