IRVING, KS – We learn that Sylvanus Green, Esq., a late resident of this place, was shot through the lungs, one day last week, at his home on the Republican. The assassin is not known and is yet at large.  The only particulars we could learn were, that the would-be murderer crept up under cover of timber, within shooting distance, and fired the contents of a rifle into the breast of the unsuspecting victim, who was quietly plowing his corn.  What occasioned this unprovoked and cowardly attempt at assassination we are at a loss to conjecture.  We do know, however, that Mr. Green is a quiet, inoffensive citizen; his character is good, and while here his deportment was that of a gentleman.  – Irving Recorder.

The Leavenworth Weekly Times, Leavenworth KS. July 21, 1870.  Page 1.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.