Aloysius Eckart & Winifred Doll

WAMEGO, KS - Banns have been published for the marriage of Miss Winifred Doll, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Louis Doll, and Mr. Aloysius...

Owen – Hockaday Married

DIGHTON, KS - At the home of the bride’s parents at high noon September 16th, Pete H. Owen and Hattie L. Hockaday were united...

Hagans – Morse Married

DIGHTON, KS - Arthur Hagans, of this place, and Irene Morse, of Gove County, were united in marriage at Boulder Colorado, They will make...

Graves-Carl Wedding

DIGHTON - Miss Ethel Carl and Mr. Ralph Graves were united in marriage Sunday noon at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and...

Edward Bradshaw & Ethel McLeland

DIGHTON - Edward Bradshaw,former principal of the Dighton Schools, was married Monday at 1:30 p.m. to Ethel L. McLeland at the home of the...

Will Settles & Edna Lambert

DIGHTON - Will Settles and Miss Edna Lambert of the Healy neighborhood, were united in marriage by Probate Judge Bates at his office, yesterday....