Hartford is situated on the south side of the Neosho river, and about sixteen miles south-east of Emporia.  It is rather a small town, but improving slowly.  There is but one mill – a water mill (the steam mill has moved away to Eldorado.)  There is one store, owned by Mr. Britton, formerly of Emporia.  Mr. Britton is doing well, and has a fine assortment of winter goods on hand to supply his customers.  The firm was previously composed of Priest & Britton; but Mr. Priest withdrawing from the business by mutual consent the partnership was dissolved.  Mr. Priest is one of the best young men that Kansas affords.  he is energetic, industrious, enterprising, and beloved by all who are acquainted with him.  There is one wagon maker’s shop, one blacksmith shop, one boot and shoe shop, and one hotel.  There is one fine large and comfortable school house – known as the Hartford Collegiate Institute.  This is under the management of the Methodist Church.  Prof. A.d. Chambers has charge of the school at present.  I have not seen any of the circulars of the Institution or I might have given you the branches taught.  The Professor is well liked and is spoken of as an excellent teacher.  I am informed that he hails from the State of Ohio.  May he succeed in his noble work.  Our old and esteemed friend and fellow-citizen of Emporia, Mr. J.C. Campbell, and formerly our hotel keeper, has returned to Hartford on his old place.

He appears to be the same person he was when here a year ago, pleasant and agreeable.  Since I last met him he has sold his farm containing 240 acrews for ($4,800) four thousand and eight hundred dollars, which is twenty dollars per acre.  The land lies about seven miles south-east of Emporia.   – W.P.A. Traveller.  The Allen County Courant, Iola, Kansas.  Saturday, January 18, 1868.  Page 2.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.