Elizabethtown is situated about twelve miles south by west of Garnett in the southern part of Anderson county and near the head waters of Deer Creek, and about ten miles inland from the Neosho river.  It is a small inland town and principaally owned by Squire Price.  There are one store and a school house situated a little beyond the town site.  The school house is rather small but comfortable.  The children seemed to be farther advanced than at LeRoy.  They appeared to be fully interested in their studies.  The school is taught by Mr. Gates, a teacher of rare intellect and qualities.  The manner of conducting the recitations was good, prompt, and interesting.  The scholars seemed to be under full control of the teacher and the order of the school is commendable and worthy of notice.  The whole machinery works in harmony.  The efforts of parents, children, and the teacher are united; and from this we may draw the inference of the success in the school.  I was informed that a new building is to be erected next spring.  I would make one suggestion in regard to the new school house, fill up the walls with blackboards.

The country around Elizabethtown is improving; the soil is rich and fertile, and the crops were good last year.  I saw several fields of fall wheat that looked promising.  Many of the farmers are plowing for spring wheat; and I look for a large quantity of it sown.  May they reap an abundant harvest.  – W.P.A. Traveller.  The Allen County Courant, Iola, Kansas.  Saturday, January 18, 1868.  Page 2.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.