Mrs. Neil Balderson entertained with a children’s party last Saturday afternoon to celebrate the fifth anniversary of her small son, Willard. She had the assistance of Mrs. John Casner and of her brother Willis Shehi of Topeka. The little people enjoyed merry games and ice cream and cake were served. The guests also posed for a party photograph. The following children were guests: Frank and Bobbie Dequet, Floyd Webster. Walter Richmond, Alfred Thompson, Newell Stanley, Billie and Jimmie Mansfield, Willie Potts, Crawford Beeson, Chris and Billie Funnell, Willard and Loren Balderson. The Wamego Reporter, Wamego, Kansas.  May 20, 1915. (c) Transcribed by Janeice Crosson for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.