IOLA – It has been stated to us that “Uncle Mose and Aunt Lucy,” the old colored couple living in the southwest part of town, have no means of heating the shanty in which they live except with an old cook stove which is in a very bad state of repair.  If this is true it is hard to understand how they have kept from freezing, and they certainly must have suffered.  It seems to us that this case furnishes some practical “home missionary” work, and we would suggest that some one, some of our young ladies for instance, use an hour or two of their leisure to-morrow in taking up a collection for the purchase of a decent stove for this aged couple.  The Register will cheerfully head the list with its share, and we have no doubt that the necessary amount could be raised without difficulty.  The Iola Register, Iola, Kansas.  Friday, January 15, 1886.  Page 5. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.