WICHITA, KAN – shooting At Bentley.  Passengers who came in over the ‘Frisco last night brought the information that a probable murder was committed at Bentley, this county, at 8 o’clock yesterday evening.

The victim is James Beal, a blacksmith and a well known citizen of Eagle township, while the man who did the shooting is named Alvin Wilson and he is a section hand on the ‘Frisco road at Bentley.

About ten days ago the men quarreled over a game of billiards, and ever since then a bad feeling has existed between them. Last night they met, and Beal said: “Wilson, how shall we settle this quarrel?” In response, Wilson said, “I’ll show you,” and with that he pulled a revolver and shot Beal, the bullet entering about two inches above the heart. The wound is supposed to be fatal. Beal is about 39 years old, is married, and has several children. The Wichita Daily Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. Saturday, November 18, 1893. Page 5.  (c) Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.

Murder At Bentley

BENTLEY, KAN – James Beal, a merchant of Bentley, this county, was murdered there tonight (November 17) by Alvin Wilson, a railroad employee.

The men quarreled a few days ago, but were separated, but when they met this evening Wilson drew a revolver and shot Beal through the heart. The Topeka Daily Capital, Topeka, Kansas. Saturday, November 18, 1893. Page 1. (c) Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.