Fourth Day – Evening

“Then comes thy glory in the summer months;” and when is nature more glorious than when at eve the golden summer sunbeams illuniate a grove like this?  “The beauties of nature” is a suggestive phrase, but how much more so that inspired one – “The beauty of holiness;” beauty of the soul the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.  This has been a day to imprint upon the tablet of memory, in characters imperishable, scenes and thoughts connected with that beauty of holiness.  An apostle speaks of “sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” and this encampment has been such a place to-day.  And even now making melody in the heart to God.  One of the songs of Zion, “O for a thousand tongues to sing,” voiced by devout men and women, makes music rivaling the songs of an angel choir.  It might seem to one away from the influence of such a meeting that such words were extravagance, but Paul speaks of a joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Brother Rudisill leads the prayer meeting, or rather, it seems led by the Spirit.  The tent is full, and one by one the people come, as if attracted by an unseen power.  And now its leaders says, “We are here to night to do a work for eternity.”

The camp meeting promises to meet fully the hopes of those under whose auspices it was inaugurated.  The circle of the tents is nearly filled, or rather more than filled, for already four tents are in the outer circle.  But the crowning glory of the meeting is, the people are in solemn earnest for salvation, or, as John Wesley with his death shout said, “The best of all is, God is with us.”  The manner in which the prayer meeting has just closed reminds one of the words of the psalmist, “God is gone up with a shout,” and scarcely had it closed before the trumpet called to the great congregation to hear the Word of the Lord.  The 568th hymn was announced by Rev. J.O. Roberts, of Baldwin City, who preached from the tst 16 Acts 31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  After having a given a clear and satisfactory definition of faith, he showed how this faith followed Jesus through the story of His incarnate life, death, resurrection, and ascension.  Faith saves the soul from sin.  Sin is the grand disturbing element in the universe.  How does God estimate sin.  Witness Annanias and Sapphira.  Witness God’s visitation of judgment on the sin of David.  Jesus manifested to take away our sins – all our sins.  Faith in Jesus saves us from the fear of death.  Brother Roberts then with great force illustrated how appalling is the thought of death, and showed how by faith the soul can be saved not only from its fear, but saved in death itself.  Most impressively did he refer to a death scene in his own family.

Brother Marshall follwed the sermon with a stirring exhortation, in which he illustrated the power of faith and the danger of living without it.

There must be some six hundred people here this evening, and there is a solemn grandeur in the music as the large assembly join to sing, “O how happy are they who their Saviour obey.”  Now the minister says, after several have come forward for prayers, “How many more will come – how many more will stand up to indicate a desire for salvation?”  One, another, and another, till numbers arise.  Then are they lovingly invited to come forward to the altar.  They came, and now the vast assembly bowed in holy prayer.  “Prayer ardent opens Heaven, and lets down a stream of glory on the consecrated soul in audience with the Deity.”  “Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed, the motion of a hidden fire that trembles in the breast.”  And now, as the silent queen of night reflects her borrowed beams down through the branches of the trees to mingle with the artificial lights of this charming grove, sacred music, commemorating the death-pangs of the Son of God, seems to float through the circumambient air “in notes almost Divine”  “And they sang a new song.”  The Republican Journal, Lawrence, Kansas.  Sunday, August 10, 1873.  Page 3.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.