ATCHISON.  Excitement in Atchison.  We learn from reliable authority that the town of Atchison was thrown into no little excitement on Saturday last, by the announcement that the renowned Jim Lane was expected in the town that day to deliver one of his blood and thunder harangues. A great many were opposed to his speaking, believing his efforts would be to stir up strife and difficulty. The mass of the people there, who were quietly pursuing their several avocations, each enjoying his own political opinions, undisturbed, did not want such men as Lane, who are run wild with fanaticism, to disturb their quiet. Hence many Free State men petitioned Lane to keep away, or at least not come there to make a speech.

But it seems Lane cared nothing for their petitions, but determined he would go. Accordingly he started with some thirty armed men, as a sort of body guard for his protection. We are informed he was disguised as a female, as we suppose to make assurance doubly sure.

Capt. Robinson, of Atchison, learning that Lane and his 30 armed men were on their way, went with the view (as it is said) of giving him a welcome due to his celebrity. We are further informed that Gen. (?) Lane considered his reception rather distasteful, and consequently declined carrying his intentions out. Knowing, or feeling that should he (Lane) make the attempt, he might meet with obstacles he could not surmount, so he wisely concluded to return, believing that “he who fights,” etc. etc.

A thousand and one rumors were afloat here on Sunday and Monday. It was said the people were in arms and a conflict was inevitable. That the presses of the Squatter Sovereign and German paper had been thrown in the river, and that 500 Missourians were in Atchison, etc. Just see how a mole hill was magnified into a mountain. No difficulty occurred, no press or presses were thrown into the river, or attempted to be thrown in the river. A crowd had been attracted to Atchison to see and hear Lane. If there were any Missourians, it was only a few from the bottom on the opposite side of the river, who had come there for no difficulty, but from a curiosity to see the renowned champion of the Free State party. It was a mere curiosity of the few, not exceeding 20 Missourians.

This affair has turned out as we expected, a Tempest in a Teapot, or “much ado about nothing.” –Leav. Herald.

The White Cloud Kansas Chief, White Cloud, Kansas. Thursday, September 3, 1857. Page 2. (c) Transcribed by Maxine Smith for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.