KIT CARSON, KS – Aug. 29. A desperate shooting affair occurred here at one o’clock this afternoon in which two men were killed and one wounded. Sergeant Shreaves of the 7th United States Cavalry, stationed here and Lee Stewart, were gambling in a game of poker, when they fell out. After some words they separated, and soon met again in the dance house. Shreaves drew a revolver and fired at Stewart without effect. Stewart returned the fire missing Shreaves and hitting a man known as “Dutch Levi,” – who was standing near the window, outside in the back of the head, killing him instantly. Shreaves fired again and wounded Stewart. Another shot was then fired by Stewart which fatally wounded Shreaves and he is now dead. Stewart has fled and is pursued by the enraged soldiers. The influence of General Woods, commanding the District was necessary to prevent a relentless war against all gamblers.

HAYS CITY, KS – Aug. 30. Lee Stuart, who killed Shreves and Dutch Levi, at Carson, yesterday, got aboard the Eastern bound train this morning at Cheyenne Wells Station. He was recognized by a brakesman and another person on the train. For subsistence dry sand is not healthy. He cannot be under arrest and going East.
An inquest was held upon the body of Shreves this morning. The facts appear clearly established that the killing of Levi was accidental and that he did not fire at all until Shreves had fired upon him.

Notwithstanding this, the soldiers would hardly accept and refrain from violence, should they get him.

The Leavenworth Weekly Times, Leavenworth, Kansas. Thursday, September 1, 1870. Page 1. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.  NOTE:  Part of what eventually became the State of Colorado was originally a part of the State of Kansas.  Kit Carson, KS is now Kit Carson, CO.