Another of those startling and fearful crimes that periodically horrify almost every law abiding community, took place in the township of Osawatomie, three or four miles from the village, just after dark on Tuesday night last. While walking around his out buildings, looking after affairs, Thomas Beckerly was shot by some unknown party, and died almost immediately. His cries after receiving the fatal shot brought members of his family to the spot, but he had breathed his last before they could learn the circumstances attending the affair. The assassin immediately fled, and no clue was obtained of him. We cannot learn of any body that is suspected of the hellish deed.

Mr. Beckerly was a very respectable man, well liked by all his acquaintances, and it is hard to account for his murder. The Coroner’s jury rendered a verdict that Mr. Beckerly came to his death by a pistol shot wound. We hope the sheriff of this county will inquire into this matter and ferret out the murderer. – The Paola Spirit. The Neosho Valley Register, Neosho, Kansas. Saturday, May 11, 1872. Page 1. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.