FORT LEAVENWORTH – Haller, the Murderer of Lyle Escaped.

From:  Head Quarters, Troops serving in Kansas

Fort Leavenworth, August 25, 1857.

To: S W Tunnell, Esq.

Sheriff of Leavenworth County.  Leavenworth, K. T.

Sir: — I am instructed by Gen. Harney to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of this date, and in reply, to state, the prisoner Haller escaped from the guard at this post night before last. A sentinel of the guard deserted at the same time; it is fair to presume the guard were bribed by Haller or his friends to connive at his escape. This information has already been communicated to the Governor.

I am, sir, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

A Pleasonton.

Captain 2d Dragoons,

Acting Ass’t Adjutant General.

From the above it will be seen how Haller made his escape. His friends, fearing to risk a trial, doubtless furnished Haller the money with which to bribe the sentinel, and both have made their escape.

This is the second murder, in which the prisoner has escaped after being confined.

McCrea, who killed Malcolm Clark, escaped from prison by the aid of his friends. And yet we hear no words of complaint by such Republicans as conduct the Times. We have ever advocated bringing all men to punishment for the perpetration of crime. – Leavenworth Herald.

The White Cloud Kansas Chief, White Cloud, Kansas. Thursday, September 3, 1857. Page 2. © Transcribed by Maxine Smith for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.