Geneva is situated two and a half miles north of the Neosho river – eight miles north-west of Iola and about seventy-five miles south of Lawrence.  It contains two stores, one hotel, one blacksmith shop, one wagon maker’s shop, two carpenter shops, two Churches, and a fine Academy.  Geneva is not half as large as LeRoy, yet in the line of school houses and Churches it is far ahead.  This is certainly no comment to LeRoy.  The Academy is under the charge of Prof. S.M. Irwin, a Presbyterian minister.  He is an able speaker, an able teacher, and a gentleman spoken of very highly as a scholar; the students love him (as we love our teachers in the Normal.  I am going to tell you something about the Normal some of those bright days in January or February).  The country round about Geneva is about the same as Iola.  The surface is generally level, soil is rich and fertile; the crops were good and the farmers are all in good plight.

Here at Geneva I met my esteemed friend (and once a fellow-student of the Kansas State Normal School), Mr. D.D. Spicer; a young man of great ability, and since he left us at Emporia has taken unto himself a nice, genteel and handsome wife of rare qualities.  May all of us old bachelors be so fortunate.  I am under everlasting obligations to Mr. D.D. Spicer for taking me around the country, and making me acquainted with its intelligent citizens.  He did it with as much grace as he used to sit in the President’s arm chair over the Literary Society connected with the school.  Mr. Spicer has every thing at home to make a man pleasant and happy.  He has a kind father and mother and at last a cheerful wife; plenty of music; fine horses and carriage which is a credit to the country.  Mr. J.H. Spicerm ffather of young Mr. Spicer, killed a hog a day or two before I arrived there two years old, weighing 473 pounds, and it was not very fat.  If it had been kept two or three weeks longer it would beyond a doubt have weighed over 500 pounds.  Who can beat it?

Kansas surpasses any State in the Union for grazing; and also surpasses any of the Western States for stock.  Stock look well about Iola, Geneva, and surrounding country.  Up to Christmas scarcely any feeding has been done.  Stock raising in Kansas pays.  – A.W.T. Traveller.  The Allen County Courant, Iola, Kansas.  Saturday, January 18, 1868.  Page 2.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.