They tell of a woman in Iowa who bought 160 acres of wild land one year ago, has enclosed and put it under cultivation, built a house upon it, planted a fine orchard and fruit garden, with hedges all complete, and set out a large number of shade trees, besides managing her household affairs. Of course there is nothing said of her employing any assistance in all of this. The name of the feminine prodigy is Mrs. Caroline Wood, and she blesses the town of Douglas with her presence.

We publish the above because we want to call out the Kansas women. It is impossible to tell beforehand in what shape she will appear, but it is safe enough to predict that she will be found to have bought 650 acres of land not more than six months ago; that she has cultivated it all, erected four dwelling houses and three barns, with her own hands; that she has set out 10,000 trees and five miles of hedge; that she has eight helpless children, and that her husband was killed in the war. We are confident that some such woman as this lives in Kansas, and that we shall soon hear from her. Iowa is well enough as a State, and gives good Republican majorities, but it is ridiculous to suppose that she can beat Kansas in anything.

The Leavenworth Weekly Times, Leavenworth KS. July 14, 1870. Page 1.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.