Dodge City, Kan. Aug. 6 – The severest storm ever known in this section struck this city after midnight last night. The wind gauge at the signal office was blown down, but good judges estimate the velocity at ninety miles per hour. The roar of the tornado was deafening almost beyond belief. Owing to the permanent character of our buildings the damage was confined to the destruction of roofs, chimneys, stables, outhouses, and moving buildings from their foundations, but the losses will aggregate fully $10,000, divided into more than two hundred individual cases. The storm was accompanied by the grandest display of lightning ever witnessed here, it being one continuous sheet of angry flame, also very heavy rain, and the water stood over a foot deep on Front Street. The Somerset Herald, Somerset, Pennsylvania. August 15, 1883. Page 2. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.