One of the most potent powers for evil in American politics to-day, is whisky. Large cities in older states control the elections of the State, the cities in themselves controlled by the use of whiskeys. Even in comparatively new states where there is a large town in the country, having a controlling vote, the saloons have more to do in shaping the result of the election than the Churches. In all closely contested elections, municipal, county, State or general, the saloons of the large and small towns shape the floating vote, directing the bummers, the loafers, and the ignorant whites and blacks in the interest of the candidate who pays the whiskey bills. The candidate who makes the race on issues of the day and refuses to pander to the clamor for money, for work done, for cigars and whisky, is called a poor politician and finds himself behind in the race. Humiliating as is the fact, the moral sentiment of the community is too cowardly to sustain itself by an open contest. – The Kansas Farmer. The Iola Register, Iola, Kansas. May 27, 1876. Page 1. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.