The Lusitania, a British merchant steamer, going from New York to Liverpool, was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine near Queenstown, Ireland. Only 658 passengers out of 2,160 were saved. Nearly 200 were Americans. The United States had warned Germany about the destruction of American lives, and this incident is expected to cause serious complications.

No one in New York sympathizes more with Mrs. Alfred G. Vanderbilt than Mrs. John Jacob Astor. The fact that Mr. Vanderbilt has been lost with the Lusitania brings the tragedy home to Mrs. Astor, whose own husband was drowned when the Titanic struck an iceberg three years. ago. The Wamego Reporter, Wamego, Kansas.  May 13, 1915. (c) Transcribed by Janeice Crosson for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.