Relatives of his victim have positively identified Ed. R. Smith, who was recently sentenced at Wichita to four years in the Kansas penitentiary for the robbery of a palace car in Wichita, as “Cigarette Charley,” wanted in Illinois for the murder and robbery of Edward Ott, in DuPage County, Illinois, December 9, 1894.  They visited the Kansas penitentiary and in spite of his prison garb and the fact that he was placed in a yard with 800 other prisoners, they at once recognized Smith.  The recognition was mutual.  Arrangements were made for the return of Smith to Illinois at the expiration of his sentence, unless a conditional pardon should be granted.  The Globe-Republican, Dodge City, Kansas.  July 18, 1895.  Page 6.  © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.