Henry M. Leonard, 62 years of age, was found dead the other morning in the rear of his home at Wichita.  The body had been horribly mangled and partially covered in a manure heap.  A trail of blood was followed to the kitchen of Leonard’s residence where his wife and her son were found washing blood stains from the floor.  Both the woman and son were immediately arrested and lodged in jail.  Leonard was a second-hand dealer and an old soldier.  Several months ago he secured a divorce from his first wife and married Mrs. Williamson.  Later Frank M. Williamson, first husband of the woman, was arrested.  At the inquest the woman confessed that Williamson and her son committed the crime.  The jury held all three to answer.  The supposition was that Leonard was killed to secure his life insurance.  The Kinsley Graphic, Kinsley, Kansas.  November 29, 1895.  Page 3.  © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.