SEDAN, KS – We have just been given the particulars of one of the most terrible murders ever committed in Chautauqua county. The killing took place on the 19th day of February. The circumstances are about as follows: John Hogan with a wife and six children lived in Lafayette township about 15 miles north of this city and five from Elk Falls. On the day mentioned, Hogan and his wife had some words, and his children testify that Hogan knocked his wife down, beat her and choked her. Hogan locked his children up in an out house, where they were kept about an hour and a half. When released they were told by Hogan that he and their mother were going east, and if they dared to tell anybody of what happened he would kill them all. They were afraid of their father at all times and this threat effectually closed their mouths, though they knew their mother was murdered, and the body, disposed of by the inhuman father. In the afternoon Hogan saddled a horse and rode north to Elk Falls. Here he borrowed $50 at Blake’s bank, a man named Keefe signing a note with him for the money. Hogan said that he was going to Morehead, but it is now known that he did not stop there, and his present whereabouts are unknown. The murder was committed on Friday and the children afraid of their father killing them kept silent until last Tuesday, when Lizzie, the oldest girl, told a neighbor that her father had killed her mother, and indicated near where she thought the body was. A search proved that the girl was right. The body was found on Wednesday in a little ravine about one hundred and fifty yards from the house covered with a thin layer of earth. Upon examination the skull was found to be crushed, and aside from this there were no other marks, except on the throat which he had scratched in choking the poor woman. At the coroner’s inquest which was held Wednesday evening, considerable evidence was given bearing on the case which would be of interest, but is too lengthy for publication. Among other things the children testified that their father was cruel to their mother and they were very much afraid of him. The verdict of the jury was that Mrs. Hogan came to her death at the hands of her husband. A strong effort will be made to capture the murderous wretch, and we earnestly hope it may be successful. John Hogan is described as a man 45 years old, about 6 feet high, a little stoop shouldered, weight about 170 or 175 pounds; is of a sandy complexion, and wears mustache and chin whiskers, which are rather a dark sandy color; has very heavy eye brows, which nearly meet. Hogan is an Irishman and uses a thick brogue. A liberal reward ought to be offered for the apprehension of the murderer, and no doubt there will be. It has been ascertained that Hogan took the east bound passenger train at Elk Falls Friday evening, February 19, and that he stayed over Sunday with his sister and brother-in-law near Jacksonville, Illinois, and that he was in New York on Wednesday, February 24th, on which date he wrote and mailed a letter to a neighbor requesting him to take care of his children and stock. It is generally supposed that he has fled to Europe, and that he will soon be captured, as the Commissioners have offered a reward of $500 for his body dead or alive, and the Govenor will probably offer a similar reward.  The Howard Courant, Howard, Kansas.  Friday, March 19, 1886.  Page 1.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.