Four Prisoners Get Away Sunday

Last Sunday afternoon four of the prisoners confined in the county jail made a successful escapade by cutting a hole through the brick wall.  So quietly was the work done that nothing was known or heard of the escape until the birds had been gone half an hour.  The prisoners who failed to get away were so unfortunate as to have been locked up in the county jail.

The following is the names and descriptions of those who got away:

Malcom Dunkin, alias McDuff, charged with grand larceny, about 30 years of age, light complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, light brown moustache, and about 6 feet high.  Wore when he left here, a cassimere suit of clothes all of the same material, with light grey stripes and brown checkers of a very small figure, light hat and boots.

James Lawrence, charged with grand larceny, 25 years of age, very dark complexion, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, very small, black, bright, sparkling eyes, black hair, cut short, had on when he left here a dark suit of cassimere clothes well worn, small black moustache, very little bow legged.

Gene Gibson, horse thief, about 20 years of age, light complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, and very light moustache the same color.  Had on when he left a dark suit of cassimere clothes nearly new, had a boyish expression about the face.

George Paris, a negro, charged with burglary, about 20 or 21 years of age, very black complexion, with large eyes which show a great deal of white when he looks one in the face, slow of speech, mild voice when talking, speaks very slow and deliberate.

A reward of $25 each for the apprehension has been offered.  The Atchison Daily Champion, Atchison, Kansas.  Tuesday, October 29, 1878.  Page 4.  © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.