HUTCHINSON.  Howard Jolly Captured. The St. Louis and Kansas City papers of last week were almost filled with accounts of one Howard Jolly, a general railroad ticket agent of Memphis, Tenn., of how he had stolen tickets and sold them to brokers, and that his whereabouts were unknown. On last Thursday, Capt. Hedden received three telegrams from different parties that was on the Santa Fe train bound for California, and would pass through here at 8 p.m. which proved to be true, and he was taken from the train and kept for some time at the Midland hotel, closely guarded, until Sunday evening when he was turned over to the Inspector of the Police of Kansas City, Missouri. Who now doubts the efficiency of the Hutchinson police force?

The Hutchinson Gazette, Hutchinson KS. Thursday, January 24, 1895. Page 8. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.