DIGHTON – Miss Ethel Carl and Mr. Ralph Graves were united in marriage Sunday noon at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Carl of Imperial. Mrs. R.J. Hopkins, of Garden City played Lohengrin’s weeding march and the young people took their places beneath white wedding bells in the double parlor doors. Little Ruby Underwood bore the ring in a white carnation and Rev. Nelson Gardner, of Dighton, read the impressive ring ceremony. The bride was very charming in a dress of white embroidered voile and lace veil. After the ceremony and congratulations, a splendid dinner was served. The bride’s brother Harry and Plum and sister Mrs. H.H. Wristen assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Graves took the evening train from Garden City for a few days visit in Colorado points after which they will be at home to friends on the ranch in Sutton Township. The Dighton News, Dighton, Kansas.  May 10, 1917. (c) KCGS 2017.  Transcribed by Janeice Crosson.