HILL CITY, KAN – Finding Of Bodies Recalled Tragedy.  An early day tragedy was revived here during the past week, unintentionally, by Street Commissioner C.C. Rupp, who was working the street of Boot Hill. While excavating three bodies were uncovered, two of them men and the other a woman. The bodies had been buried about thirty-five years, two of them in plain boxes and the other in a coffin. Both were naked, evidently, as there were no signs of clothing. The third body was that of a soldier, as the body was attired in a soldier’s uniform. The soldier was murdered, according to old-timers, near the depot in this city, and was shot in the head. A .45 bullet was picked from the skull. The soldier had murdered a man near here, and a near relative of the murdered man waited his chance and eventually killed the slayer. A wide grave was dug at Mt. Allen cemetery and the three bodies were given proper interment. The Topeka Daily Capital, Topeka, Kansas. Monday, May 31, 1909. Page 3. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.