Case # 1855-KM04

April 10, 1855

 NEMAHA – Horrible Murder.  A revolting murder was committed near the old Nemaha Agency, K.T., a few days ago, by a fiend named Million, on the person of his wife.  The particulars as we have been able to gather them are about as follows:  Million had taken his wife about a mile and a half from his house to a place where he thought he could securely commit the bloody act, and then with a musket or rifle shot her through and left her.  Subsequently he gave the alarm that she was lost when search was instituted.  His track was followed, in company with hers, to where the body was found as described.  He was arrested and being convinced that he would be hung, he acknowledged that he killed her, but says it was accidental.  He narrowly escaped summary punishment, and has been placed into the hands of the Government.  The Kansas Weekly Herald, Lawrence, Kansas.  April 13, 1855. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.

LEAVENWORTH – We learn that George Million who was in prison at Fort Leavenworth, awaiting his trial for the brutal and fiendish murder of his wife, has escaped, and is now at large.  We hope the foul murderer will be captured.  Would it not be well for the proper authorities to take some steps to effect his apprehension?  The Kansas Weekly Herald, Lawrence, Kansas.  Friday, June 15, 1855. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.