The boiler of Messrs. Morris Hunt & Co.’s steam saw mill, in this city, exploded on Wednesday morning last, with a terrible report, laying everything in ruins it came in contact with.

Mr. Monroe, a young man about eighteen years of age, and William Patterson, Esq., were standing near the mouth of the boiler, at the time of the accident. The former was thrown upon his back with a heavy amount of the falling ruins upon him, and killed almost instantly. The latter was thrown back some twelve or fifteen feet, and was taken up for dead. Mr. P. was soon restored to consciousness, but it was found that his hip joint was dislocated, with a simple fracture of the thigh bone, and that he had received a severe concussion on his head. He has remained delirious up to the present, and is in a critical condition, and but little hopes are entertained of his recovery.

The loss to Messrs. Hunt will be very severe, as it occurs at a period when it is probable it will be impossible to repair before next spring, the cost of doing which cannot be less than $1,000. – The Kansas Herald of Freedom, Wakarusa, Kansas Territory. December 1, 1855. Page 2. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Pra