Case # 1855-KM06

October 2, 1855

LEAVENWORTH – Thomas Newman, a free-state man, stabbed in the street of Leavenworth by a gang of Missourians.  A child was killed, while at play, by a shot fired by a Missourian at James Furnam, a free-state man, which missed him and entered a window.  The Albany Evening Journal.  Reprinted in The Weekly Hawk-Eye And Telegraph, Burlington, Iowa.   Wednesday, June 25, 1856. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.

LEAVENWORTH – As the day advanced, and night approached, the Pro-Slavery crowd became more noisy, turbulent and overbearing.  They marched through the streets, bespattered with mud, swearing, yelling, swinging their hats, and asking, “Where are the d****d Abolitionists?”  “Let’s cut the G*d d****d white livered Yankees throats!”  At that time one of our citizens, Mr. James Furnam, was passing through the streets.  As he passed the hotel one of the Missourians, who wore a white slouched hat, a gray coat, and a pair of greasy corduroy pants, tucked into the top of his mud covered boots, hailed him and asked him to come in and vote.  Mr. F. declined.  The man then asked him to “come and drink.”  He declined that invitation also.  One of the Missourians then asked him “why he did not vote?”  Mr. F. said, “Because I do not consider the election legal.”  “He is one of the G*d d****d free State men!” said the crowd.  Mr. F. at this time, seeing he had got into bad company, started to go.  But he was too late.  The crowd gathered around him, and began to cry out, “Hang him! Lynch him!  Tar and feather the d****d Yankee!”  One of the mob then seized hold of him.  Mr. Furnam, being a quick, powerful man, turned round and knocked his assailant down and fled.  They gave chase, but could not overtake him.  One of the desperadoes shot at him with a rifle.  The ball pierced his hat, but did not hurt him, and striking a house, went through the clapboards, and killed a child which was playing on the floor!  The mother ran out, shrieking, “Murder! Help!”  The neighbors came to her assistance.  The free State men armed themselves.  In the meantime another citizen had been insulted in the street, knocked down and stabbed – this was young Thomas Newman – he died this morning.  About 100 free State men well armed, formed in a body, and marched toward the hotel, but the Missourians had decamped.  The free State men pursued them to the river, and one of the bloody villains has felt the cold lead.  The Washington Sentinel, Washington, D.C.  Thursday, October 25, 1855. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.

LEAVENWORTH – Abolition Lies.  …The most outrageous falsehoods, not having even the semblance or shade of truth, everywhere in New England find a too ready ear among the people, and the Abolition newspapers are always on the qui vive to seek out and publish such sentiments.  Indeed a well-told falsehood is vastly more acceptable to them than the plain and simple truth – because the latter would not answer their purpose… The whole thing is a premeditated lie, intended to have its effect on the Ohio election, and published with that view.  Our information is, that the election was conducted without any excitement whatever – that there was no fighting at all – no shooting, and no running away of the Missourians, for there were none there.  But the lie has had its run in Ohio, where it was published just in time for the election.  Now that the end is accomplished, is it asking too much from the Cincinnati Commercial, the Gazette, and other papers making pretensions to respectability (they having copied this letter), to state that it is a wholesale falsehood, having no foundation whatever in truth?  The Washington Sentinel, Washington, D.C.  Thursday, October 25, 1855. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.