Case # 1855-KM05

May 20, 1855

OSAWATOMIE – Process Of Outrage In Kansas.  On the 20th of May, three days after the outrage on Phillips, several members of the secret Pro-Slavery association of Missourians, called the Blue Lodge, visited Osawatomie, in Kansas Territory, and seized a Mr. Parker on the charge of being an Abolitionist.  They took his rifle and broke it over a stump, mounted him on a mule and carried him some distance in the woods.  They then took measures to hang him without judge or jury; but upon his suggesting that he ought to be allowed to speak for himself, they suffered him to do so.  After he had made his statement the company were about equally divided, one half siding with Parker, the other half with Kirby, the leader of the gang.  Soon, however, one of the company handed Parker a revolver capped and cocked, after which Kirby saw fit to hold his peace.  Parker was finally released, but was obliged, however, to give up his claim.  The Anti-Slavery Bugle, Salem, Ohio.  Saturday, December 29, 1855.  Page 1. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Tales Media.