Methodist Unification Plan 1924

Unification Plan Is Approved at Meeting of South Methodists Chattanooga, Tenn., July 5 - Organic union into one great Church of the 7,000,000 members of...

Coffeyville School Board Must Pay

School Board Must Pay Negro Attorney TOPEKA, KS - The Coffeyville board of education today was handed a bill for $1,000, the attorney's fee charged...

Robert Elliott’s Body To Be Moved

FORMER SOLDIER’S BODY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO FILL PAUPER’S GRAVE  Shall the body of a soldier who fought with the Allies be allowed to...

Charles Artz

WICHITA, KS - In the early morning of June 27, 1920, Rock Island Railroad Special Agent Charles F. Artz arrested four men on vagrancy...

W.C. Renner Property Traded

DIGHTON, KS - W.C. Renner has traded for the Welch property, which she recently sold to Jake Simon. He will get possession sometime in...

Light Plant Hours Change

At the last meeting of the city council the daylight run of the light plant was modified somewhat. Hereafter the plant will operate until...

A Sad Sailor’s Wife

NEW YORK - Somewhere in Dover Plains is a sad little bride whose heart aches for a sailor boy whom she wed at midnight...

Son Born to Clarence Smith

DIGHTON - Dighton relatives are in receipt of news of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, of Manchester, Okla....

Pipe Dreams & Chickens

WAMEGO, KS - In a few years Wamego banks are going to be overloaded with money. A number of amateurs have bought a few...

Post Office Robbed

Robbers blew open the safe of the Louisville post office early Saturday morning, and secured about $75. As soon as the officers arrived on...