NEWTON – Last Friday afternoon, just as the afternoon exercises of the circus had closed, Claud Wilson, a young man who had been residing with J. Kelly, in Emma township, while under the influence of liquor drove a team over a little son of D. R. Swan, of this city, seriously bruising him.  A special policeman who was near by at the time arrested Wilson and started with him and the injured boy to Dr. Coleman’s office.

On the way they met city Marshal Sawyer, and Wilson was turned over to him.  After the condition of the boy was learned, and observing that Wilson was still under the influence of liquor, Sawyer told him that he would have to take him to jail for the present, whereupon Wilson struck at him with a large knife which he had concealed in his coat sleeve, and had he not dodged the same would have either cut his throat or injured him seriously.  For which Wilson will reside at hotel d’ Wafer until next term of court, unless some person goes his $500 bail.  The Newton Kansan, Newton, Kansas.  Thursday, August 10, 1882.  Page 3.