Home 1870 July

Monthly Archives: July 1870

Proclamation From Napoleon – 1870

Proclamation From Napoleon Frenchmen: There are in the life of people solemn moments, when the national honor violently excited presses itself, irresistibly rises above all...

The Murder of Colonel Buel

A Grand Hunt For The Murder. LEAVENWORTH.   The awful murder at the Fort was the principal topic of conversation yesterday.  Nearly all the police were...

Lead-based Hair Tonic

CONTAINS LEAD - Somebody has found out that all the hair restoratives contain primarily lead. Well, what of it? Is that going to prevent...

Missouri Says “Kansas Blows”

A few days ago we received a fault-finding article, entitled, “Kansas Blows,” from the Sedalia, Missouri Bazoo. It was from the esteemed pen of...

Sylvanus Green Murdered While Plowing Corn

IRVING, KS - We learn that Sylvanus Green, Esq., a late resident of this place, was shot through the lungs, one day last week,...

Call To Kansas Woman – 1870

They tell of a woman in Iowa who bought 160 acres of wild land one year ago, has enclosed and put it under cultivation,...

The New Press Style

The New Press Style Some of the newspapers of our day have adopted a new way of relating horrible accidents and pathetic events, which is...

Iowans Moving To Kansas

The Iowa editors are coming to see us. We suppose they are coming after their citizens Ever since we have been in Kansas that crowded...

The Ladies of Kansas – 1870

The Ladies of Kansas – fair as the blossom upon our prairies, only not half so numerous. What a dreary void would even Kansas...

Poncher Family Struck By Lightning

GUILFORD.  Serious Accident. About two weeks since the family of Mr. Poncher, son-in-law of Mr. Root, of Guilford, set out to move to Caney,...