EMPORIA.  The Topeka-Nebraska-Capital Scheme. We have received, from what we consider a reliable source, information corroborative of the rumors that have been circulating here for the last few days concerning the consummation of the deep laid scheme of the Democracy for the annexation of all that portion of Nebraska south of the Platte river to Kansas. This we learn was accomplished by the aid of the Topeka delegates and those Republicans in the same interest north of the Kansas River. In consideration for their treachery to principle the Topekaites receive the temporary location of the Capital at their place. This scheme has been brewing for some time, and is the one alluded to by “Cosmos” in another column. There is small room to hope that this scheme has not passed the Constitutional Convention.

We shall be happy to record the fact that no such sacrifice of principle has been made; but we fear to the contrary. If true, Republicanism in Kansas has received a blow from which it will take long years of probation to recover. Southern Kansas, “insulted, scorned, betrayed,” will not tamely submit and kiss the hand that smote her. If the principles of the Republican party, and the rights of one-half of the people of Kansas are to be counted as of no more value than the corner lots of unprincipled speculators, we desire to be made aware of the fact now. We will have no fellowship with men who hold to and set upon such sentiments. We wish to put our people on their guard against this scheme.

The Kansas News, Emporia, KS. July 30, 1859. Page 2. (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.