In Troy township last Sunday evening, two young men named respectfully – Prowley and Shanley, had a difference of opinion with regard to the right of possession of some cattle.  It appears that the cattle belonging to Shanley had been trespassing on the premises of Prowley and Prowley had taken up and detained one or more for damages and refused to allow Shanley to remove the stock until the charges had been paid, whereupon Shanley attempted to obtain possession of the stock against the will of Prowley.  The result was that Shanley was shot and dangerously wounded.  Prowley was arrested and on Monday he had a hearing before Hugh Ghormley, J.P.  He was discharged.  The Hutchinson Interior, Hutchinson, Kansas.  May 23, 1878.  © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.