A terrible tornado visited the eastern counties of this State on Saturday last.  At Paola, Ottawa, Garnett and other points much damage was done.  Our Ottawa correspondent tells what happened there.  At Garnett the Catholic church and two houses were blown down completely.  The two buildings were unoccupied.  A large number of houses were removed from their foundations, while the roofs were blown off from others.  A large number of out-houses and barns were scattered in every direction.  Great consternation prevailed among the inhabitants, who ran in every direction, fearful of being crushed by falling houses.  The railroad company’s windmills at Deer Creek, Garnett, and Ottawa were completely demolished.  Except the family injured at Ottawa, no one is reported injured.  It is reported that a large number of houses throughout the country have been blown down.  Haystacks were blown all over the country.  The Emporia News, Emporia, Kansas.  September 13, 1872.  Page 2.  © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.