WHITE CLOUD.  Starting a Saw Mill.—On our way to Kansas, we met a young man on board the boat, who said he was from Wyandott County, Ohio, and was going to Kansas, to hunt a location for a saw mill, to be run by water. He designated a place, by stating its distance from one point or another, which would bring him in the neighborhood of the base of the Rocky Mountains. He said he had been reading somebody’s Pictorial History of the World, in which he saw it stated, that the above place possessed good water power, and would be an excellent location for a saw mill. His father and brother had sent him out to examine the place, and if found all right, they would come out, and put up the mill. We have not learned the result of his explorations, and are unable to inform the Cheyenne Indians whether there is any prospect of their soon having a saw mill handy, or not.

The White Cloud Kansas Chief, White Cloud, Kansas. Thursday, September 10, 1857. Page 2. © Transcribed by Maxine Smith for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.