LEAVENWORTH – Last year Mr. Hopps, a Free State man, was murdered near this city, and barbarously scalped. Suspicion rested strongly upon Fugit, as he was seen to exhibit a scalp, and moreover made a bet, on the morning of the day that Hopps was killed, of six dollars against a pair of boots, that he would get a Free State man’s scalp before night.

Not long after this an indictment was found against Fugit by the grand jury, and a warrant issued for his arrest. But by this time he had made good his escape, and was thought to have left the country for good. On Monday last, however, he was seen and recognized in Kanzas City by a young man, who followed him on board of a boat and came up to this city.

When the steamer arrived here, Fugit locked himself in his state room and went to bed. The young man, who had been watching him, instantly went on shore, informed the Mayor and other officers of Fugit’s arrival, and told of his whereabouts. A posse, consisting of Shockly, Ashton, and others, went to the boat, told the clerk what they wanted, and obtained permission to make a thorough search. When Fugit’s room was reached, he gave his name as Jones, and made a desperate effort to escape. But he was nabbed and marched off to the court house. Judge Lecompte refused to admit him to bail, appointed Monday next as the day of the trial, and ordered him to be ironed and the jail closely guarded.

Fugit is a man of not more than twenty-five years of age, but is said to be a most desperate character. We have some particulars about him, which we refrain from publishing in consequence of the near approach of his trial. – Leavenworth Times. (The Kanzas News, Emporia, Kanzas Territory. Saturday, June 6, 1857. Page 3).  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies, Inc.