LAWRENCE, KAN – A young Englishman named Thomas German met with a very severe accident, yesterday morning, about half-past nine. Mr. German has been in the employ of John Watts hauling stone and brick by team for Poehler & Brinkman’s new building. He had gone, yesterday morning, for a load of brick, and was returning with his wagon filled with eight hundred brick, and was himself seated on the front part of the wagon on the load. As he was coming down the bridge hill, on Louisiana Street, the load of brick slipped forward, throwing him between the horses, who, starting suddenly forward, drew two wheels of the wagon, with its heavy weight, over his chest and right hand. The entire weight was 3,500 pounds. Another man, with a second load, was right behind, and assisted German to his feet, when B.D. Palmer came along with his carriage, and taking the injured man in with him, carried him to his boarding place, corner of Warren and Rhode Island streets.

Dr. Thomas Yarnold was at once summoned. Upon examination it was found that three ribs and the collar bone were broken. One of the fractured ribs had lacerated the left lung, causing copious internal hemorrhage. His thumb and second finger of the left hand were smashed, and the flesh of his face and arm was much scratched and torn. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock the hemorrhage had been partially checked, but his recovery was doubtful. Mr German is an unmarried man, about twenty-four years old. He has been in this country about eighteen months. He is very steady in his habits, and industrious. He is an Odd Fellow. It is gratifying to know that he has plenty of friends, and that everything that can be is being done for him. – The Lawrence Daily Journal, Lawrence, Kansas. October 8, 1871. Page 3. © Transcribed by Darren McMannis for Prairie Wind Publications.