
Trading Post

The Trading Post is a good place to get the supplies you’ll need for the trail or homestead. Copies of my books are on sale here, plus a few other goodies you’ll surely need on the prairie.

Post Office

The Pony Express brings in the mail every once in a while. Here you will find links to other stops along the trail.

Free Library

Stop on in to check out books from the prairie, and peruse other documents in the old files.

The Prairie Press

We have a little newspaper going now. We’re making old news new again. To quote the 1859 Squatter Sovereign of Leavenworth, Kansas – “We’re busy. We’ll publish the next edition when we have time…”

Sheriff’s Office

Visit the Sheriff’s Office to view the individual Murder cold case files.

Community Chapel

Sunday attendance is required, of course, but you’re welcome to stop by any time! Our Prairie Parson isn’t building the Chapel very quickly, however, so plan on visiting again. The pews and the roof should be finished soon.

Town Hall

The Saloon is closed. It will be the Community Center where residents meet to discuss lynchings, cold cases, and grasshopper plagues. But first we have to sweep it out, and us without a broom or straw to make one yet.